Anyway, everyone should know too that some quality of sleep is important too. It will make you feel better and your code will be better too. But it's hard to get. There are many parameters which prevent us of getting a good sleep, from personal preferences (late nights of coding), social events (late night parties), family (those with children at least don't have to worry much about late night parties), etc.
Well, seems that most problems can be solved with some training and self discipline. I've just found a free ebook called "40 sleep hacks. The geek's guide to optimizing sleep". I already knew/had read about most of them, but having them toghether in the form of a book is always good. It's free, and was made by (which is currently in maintenance mode).
Oh, f.lux is an interesting utility (free as in beer, for Mac OS, GNU/Linux and Windows) which changes the color temperature of your monitor relative to the sun position (sun lighting is much different from artificial light, and your monitor color temperature regulates to the type of light used). Interesting idea.
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